Neuromotor Wellness - Albany YMCA
Albany County
Albany YMCA
Neuromotor Wellness
Monday 12:15 PM
Mondays 12:15-1:00
Call for more information: 518-618-3690
Neuromotor Wellness is a research-based exercise program specifically for those with muscular degeneration challenges including but not limited to Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, stroke recovery, and muscle injury.
Care partners are strongly encouraged to attend at no additional cost. Participants must have a waiver and medical clearance.
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $10 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Neuromotor Wellness - Bethlehem YMCA
Albany County
Bethlehem YMCA
Neuromotor Wellness
Wednesday 11:40 AM
Wednesday 11:40 AM
For more information contact Toni Carroll - tcarroll@cdymca.org - (518) 731-7529
The prevalence of chronic illness diagnosis has increased in the United States in the last decade; a study by Johns Hopkins showed that 25% of the US population has been diagnosed with some sort of chronic illness. According to the Mayo Clinic "Aerobic exercise can help to improve your heart health and endurance and aid in weight loss. Strength training can improve muscle strength and endurance, make it easier to do daily activities, slow disease-related declines in muscle strength, and provide stability to joints. Flexibility exercises may help you to have optimal range of motion about your joints, so they can function best, and stability exercises may help reduce the risk of falls."
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $10 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Pedaling for Parkinson’s - Bethlehem YMCA
Albany County
Bethlehem YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Friday 10:00 AM
*** Moved from Monday 5 PM to Friday 10:00 AM [2/3/2025]
Friday 10:00 AM Pedaling a bicycle at a fast pace have been proven to help Parkinson’s patients delay or in some cases improve their symptoms and quality of life. If you or someone you know could benefit from this program please contact your branch Wellness Director for program specifics and schedule. (All levels)
(518) 439-4394
900 Delaware Avenue Delmar, NY 12054
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class. (for spinning class)
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Ping Pong for PD - Bethlehem YMCA
Albany County
Bethlehem YMCA
Ping Pong for PD
Wednesday 10:00 AM
Ping Pong for Parkinson's
Wednesdays 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Bethlehem YMCA
900 Delaware Ave,
Delmar, NY 12054
Not only is ping pong fun, but it’s also very helpful for those with Parkinson’s. It helps with balance, eye-hand coordination, fine motor control, mental health, strength and more.
Come alone or with a friend, we will take turns playing and watching. No playing experience is necessary; we will learn from each other.
Questions? Text or Call Bruce 518-368-2906
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
Dance Beyond Parkinson's Ciccotti Center
Albany County
Ciccotti Center
Dance for PD
Tuesday 1:30 PM
Classes on Tuesday at 1:30
with Rachelle Smith-Stallman at CDPHP® Fitness Connect At The Ciccotti Center
30 Aviation Road, Colonie
No charge. - supported by https://www.helpforpd.org/
In this class people with movement disorders and their care partners are empowered to explore movement and music in ways that are refreshing, enjoyable, stimulating and creative.
Partner not required. Walkers and wheelchairs welcome.
Rachelle also leads a ZOOM Dance Beyond Parkinson's class on Thursdays at 1:30.
email Rachelle at rss@nycap.rr.com for the ZOOM link.
MyFitRX - Ciccotti Center
Albany County
Ciccotti Center
Monday Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday Friday, Saturday Sunday AM PM
MyFitRX is an 8-week program for individuals with chronic conditions, injuries, or those starting their wellness journey. Participants are referred by healthcare providers and undergo a pre-assessment to create a personalized exercise plan. This training program must have prior approval by your doctor.
Call for more information..
The program includes two weekly.
Pedaling for PD - Ciccotti Center
Albany County
Ciccotti Center
Pedaling for PD
Wednesday 10:00 AM
TIME: 10 – 11 a.m.
PRICE: $5/class for non-members, free for members
If you would like to contact us, you may call us at any time during our facility hours at (518) 867-8920. If you would like to reach us by email, fill out the form below. We will reply as quickly as possible.
What you’ll gain:
• Increased sense of balance
• Improved mobility
• Confidence in exercise
• Supportive community
Together, we'll celebrate victories, overcome obstacles and uplift each other every pedal of the way.
Led by certified instructor John Gillivan, our cycling sessions offer a supportive environment where participants can exercise safely and enjoyably.
Neuromotor Wellness - Guilderland YMCA
Albany County
Guilderland YMCA
Neuromotor Wellness
Monday 11:40 AM - 12:40 PM
Guilderland YMCA
What is neuromotor wellness?
Must be a member.
11:40 am - 12:40 pm
250 Winding Brook Drive, Guilderland, NY 12084
Contact Jill Cullen – 518-456-3634 ext 1140 or
jcullen@cdymca.org for more information
Read more and schedule https://cdymca.org/locations/guilderland-ymca/schedules/
Neuromotor Wellness is a research-based exercise program specifically for those with muscular degeneration challenges including but not limited to Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, stroke recovery, and muscle injury.
Caretakers are strongly encouraged to attend at no additional cost. Participants must have a waiver and medical clearance.
How do I sign up?
Medical clearance and consent forms are available at all our branches, or you’re welcome to call your local CDYMCA branch.
Once you provide the completed forms, o CDYMCA staff member will contact you to schedule an orientation and initial class session.
How much does it cost?
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $10 per class.
Pedaling for Parkinson's - Guilderland YMCA
Albany County
Guilderland YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Wednesday 10:30 AM Friday 10:30 AM
Wednesday’s 10:30 – 11:30
Friday’s 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Guilderland YMCA
250 Winding Brook Dr.
Guilderland, NY 12084
Contact: Jill Cullen
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class. (for spinning class)
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
What is pedaling for Parkinson's? -> https://www.pedalingforparkinsons.org/about
Ping Pong for PD - Guilderland YMCA
Albany County
Guilderland YMCA
Ping Pong for PD
Monday 10:30 AM
Ping Pong for Parkinson's
Mondays 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Guilderland YMCA
250 Winding Brook Drive
Guilderland, NY 12084
Cost: Free for YMCA members, $5 per session for non-members
Not only is ping pong fun, but it’s also very helpful for those with Parkinson’s. It helps with balance, eye-hand coordination, fine motor control, mental health, strength and more.
Come alone or with a friend, we will take turns playing and watching. No playing experience is necessary; we will learn from each other.
Questions? Call Jud 518-281-3466
Schott's boxing
Albany County
Schott's boxing
Boxing for PD
Friday 10:30 AM
21 Vatrano Road, Albany, NY 12205
Friday’s 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
The class is free - Supported by https://www.helpforpd.org/
First time attendees will be asked to buy hand wraps for $10.00 and come 15-20 minutes early to get some initial instructions.
What is Parkinson's boxing? https://www.cdparkinsons.org/post/what-is-a-parkinson-s-boxing-class
Neuromotor Wellness - Greene County YMCA
Greene County
Greene County YMCA
Neuromotor Wellness
Friday 11:45 AM
(518) 731-7529
35 Route 81, Hope Plaza
West Coxsackie, NY 12192
Fridays 11:45-12:15
The prevalence of chronic illness diagnosis has increased in the United States in the last decade; a study by Johns Hopkins showed that 25% of the US population has been diagnosed with some sort of chronic illness. According to the Mayo Clinic "Aerobic exercise can help to improve your heart health and endurance and aid in weight loss. Strength training can improve muscle strength and endurance, make it easier to do daily activities, slow disease-related declines in muscle strength, and provide stability to joints. Flexibility exercises may help you to have optimal range of motion about your joints, so they can function best, and stability exercises may help reduce the risk of falls."
Call for more information: 518-731-7529
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $10 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Pedaling for PD - Greene County YMCA
Greene County
Greene County YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Tuesday Thursday 10:30 AM
Greene County YMCA
35 NY-81
Coxsackie, NY
Cost: Free for YMCA members, $5 per session for non-members
For more information contact Toni Carroll - tcarroll@cdymca.org - (518) 731-7529
Pedaling - Tuesday/Thursday - 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Dance Beyond Parkinson's
Dance for PD
Thursday 10:15 AM
Rachelle Smith-Stallman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Dance Beyond Parkinson's with Rachelle
Time: 01:30 PM Eastern Time
Every Thursday
email Rachelle at rss@nycap.rr.com for zoom link
Rachelle makes this class fun!
There is also an in-person class on Tuesdays at the Ciccotti Center
Classes are FREE
Strengthening class on Zoom
Strengthing for PD
Sunday Tuesday Thursday 1:45 PM
strengthening class on Zoom Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
from 1:45 to 2:15 PM.
Zoom ID 7737587777, Password 1111. For more information call Karen 518-466-4912 or
e-mail katickmanalpern@gmail.com
Tai Chi on-line
Tai Chi
2 days/week for 8 weeks (16 classes)
online course is gentle and good for developing balance
"I started taking Tai Chi for Arthritis last year and just signed up for the fall/winter session. It is great for balance and intentionally does not have any of the wonky or sudden moves that I've encountered in traditional Tai Chi.
This course is offered by SUNY Stony Brook and is free and open to anyone. The more the merrier on Zoom!
The workshops are offered 2 days/week for 8 weeks (16 classes).
The schedule and registration links are available on: https://trauma.stonybrookmedicine.edu/falls_programs
Kristi L. Ladowski, MPH
Injury Prevention & Outreach Coordinator
Stony Brook Trauma Center
Stony Brook University Hospital
Hospital 9N-083 (Office) HSC T18-040 (Mailing)
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8191
Phone (631) 444-8385
Yoga Class - on-line
Yoga for PD
Thursday11:30 AM
Deb Foss, who led the class at Honest Weight Food Co-op started a Zoom class for yoga. Hoping to return to Honest Weight Coop. Mostly it's chair yoga. for information call Instructor Deb Foss 51-944-9858 - debfoss319@gmail.com
to register. There is no charge for this class. She plans to hold class every Thursday at 11:30.
100 Watervliet Avenue, Albany, NY,
Thursday’s 11:45 AM,
Free for Parkinson’s Patients and their family/caregivers,
What is a Parkinson's yoga class --> https://www.cdparkinsons.org/post/what-is-a-parkinson-s-yoga-class
Pedaling for Parkinson’s - East Greenbush YMCA
Rensselaer County
East Greenbush YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Tuesday’s 3:00pm – 4:00pm
What is pedaling for Parkinson's? -> https://www.pedalingforparkinsons.org/about
Read more and schedule -> https://cdymca.org/locations/greenbush-ymca/schedules/
Greenbush YMCA
20 Community Way
East Greenbush, NY 12061
Contact: Angelina Faragon
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class. (for spinning class)
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Neuromotor Wellness - Clifton Park YMCA
Saratoga County
Clifton Park YMCA
Neuromotor Wellness
Wednesday 11:00 AM
Southern Saratoga Clifton Park YMCA
Must be a member no charge -
Wednesdays 11 AM to 12:15 PM
1 Wall Street, Clifton Park, NY 12065 –
Contact Thor Lampman Phone 518-371-2139 or tlampman@cdymca.org
Please contact the YMCA to get the necessary forms to complete before you can start the classes.
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $10 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Pedaling for Parkinson’s - Clifton Park YMCA
Saratoga County
Clifton Park YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Monday Thursday 11:00 AM
Monday’s 11:00am – 12:00pm
Thursday’s 11:00am – 12:00pm
This class is specifically designed for people with Parkinson's. Led by an instructor, participants cycle on an indoor stationary bike for 1 hour: 10-minute warm up at 60 RPM, 40 minutes at 80-90 RPM and a 10 minute cool down
Southern Saratoga Branch
1 Wall Street
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Contact: Thor Lampman
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Ping Pong for Parkinson's - Clifton Park YMCA
Saratoga County
Clifton Park YMCA
Ping Pong for PD
Wednesday 9:30 AM
Ping Pong for Parkinson's
Wednesdays 9:30 AM-11:00 AM
Southern Saratoga Clifton Park YMCA
Class is free for YMCA members, $5/session for non=members
Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
1 Wall Street, Clifton Park, NY 12065 –
Not only is ping pong fun, but it’s also very helpful for those with Parkinson’s. It helps with balance, eye-hand coordination, fine motor control, mental health, strength and more.
Come alone or with a friend, we will take turns playing and watching. No playing experience is necessary; we will learn from each other.
Questions? Contact Thor Lampman Phone 518-371-2139 or tlampman@cdymca.org
Classes are FREE for YMCA members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
Pedaling for Parkinson's - Glen Falls
Saratoga County
Glen Falls YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Tuesday Thursday Saturday 10:30 AM
The mission of Pedaling for Parkinson's is:
To improve the quality of life of Parkinson's disease patients and their caregivers
To educate patients, caregivers, and the general public about the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle after a Parkinson's diagnosis.
To support research dedicated to the prevention and treatment of Parkinson's disease.
Program Requirements
Be over the age of 30
Be diagnosed with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease
Complete and submit consent and medical clearance form
NOT have cardiac or pulmonary disease, uncontrolled mellitus, uncontrolled hypertension or stroke, dementia, other medical conditions for which exercise poses a risk.
Tue, Thu, Sat @ 10:30 AM-12:00 PM (1 hour 30 minutes)
Program Cost
Pedaling for Parkinson's is FREE for Glens Falls members who meet the requirements. If you are not an active Glens Falls member, there is a $5 per class charge ($105 for the entire session for non-members).
Program Registration - click to register
PWR!Moves - Malta YMCA
Saratoga County
Malta YMCA
Wednesday 12:15 AM
PWR!Moves - MALTA YMCA 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM at the Malta Branch YMCA, 10 Medical Park Drive, Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Pedaling for PD - Malta YMCA
Saratoga County
Malta YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Friday 11 AM
Pedaling for Parkinson's: Led by an instructor, participants ride on an upright stationary bike for 1 hour (10 minute warm up at 60 RPM, 40 minutes at 80-90 RPM and a 10 minute cooldown. Malta YMCA, 10 Medical Park Drive, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, Fax: 518-587-9008
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Rock Steady Boxing - Saratoga YMCA
Saratoga County
Saratoga YMCA
Boxing for PD
Monday 11 AM and 1 PM, Wednesday 9:30 AM and 2 PM
Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) is a health and wellness program designed for people with Parkinson’s Disease, a neurological condition that affects balance, strength, walking, and especially confidence. It’s based on a foundation of non-contact boxing, and it’s very effective for improving all of the symptoms that people with PD typically experience.
Read more at https://srymca.org/rocksteadyboxing
Monday 11 AM and 1 PM, Wednesday 9:30 AM and 2 PM
Brain Training - Saratoga YMCA
Saratoga County
Saratoga YMCA
Brain Training
Tuesday 2:00 PM
Tuesday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM at the Saratoga Branch YMCA, 90 West Avenue, Saratoga, NY 12020,
PWR!Moves - Saratoga YMCA
Saratoga County
Saratoga YMCA
Tuesdays 1 PM Thursdays 11AM
classes integrate Parkinson’s Disease (PD)-specific skill training into a multimodal exercise program (flexibility, strength, balance, agility, aerobics). The specificity of training begins by targeting four motor control skills shown to deteriorate and adversely affect everyday movement for people with PD. These foundational skills (i.e., antigravity extension, weight shifting, axial mobility, transitions) correspond to each of the Basic 4 PWR!Moves (PWR! Up, PWR! Rock, PWR! Twist, PWR! Step) and are used as building blocks of function.
Saratoga YMCA, 90 West Avenue, Saratoga, NY 12866, 518-583-9622
Pedaling For PD - Saratoga YMCA
Saratoga County
Saratoga YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Monday 11 AM and Wednesday 10:45 AM
Pedaling for Parkinson's: Led by an instructor, participants ride on an upright stationary bike for 1 hour (10 minute warm up at 60 RPM, 40 minutes at 80-90 RPM and a 10 minute cooldown.
Saratoga YMCA, 90 West Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 583-962
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Pedaling for Parkinson's - Wilton YMCA
Saratoga County
Wilton YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Tuesday - 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM, Thursday 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Pedaling for Parkinson's: Led by an instructor, participants ride on an upright stationary bike for 1 hour (10 minute warm up at 60 RPM, 40 minutes at 80-90 RPM and a 10 minute cooldown.
Tuesday - 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM, Thursday 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Wilton YMCA
20 Old Gick Road
Saratoga, NY 12866
Neuro Motor Wellness - Glenville YMCA
Schenectady County
Glenville YMCA
Neuromotor Wellness
Friday AM
What is neuromoter wellness?
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $10 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
Pedaling for Parkinson’s - Glenville YMCA
Schenectady County
Glenville YMCA
Pedaling for PD
Tuesday and Thursday PM
This class is specifically designed for people with Parkinson's Disease. Led by an instructor, participants ride on an upright stationary bike for 1 hour: 10 minute warm up at 60 RPM, 40 minutes at 80-90 RPM and a 10 minute cooldown. You must pre-register for this program.
Classes are FREE for Active Glenville YMCA Members and $5.00 per class for Non-Y members.
Tuesdays from 2:15 - 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 1:30 - 2:15 PM
Glenville YMCA, 127 Droms Road, Glenville, NY 12302, (518) 399-8118
Contact Pam Capuano-Hodge, Pcapuano-hodge@cdymca.org for more
Ping Pong for Parkinson's - Glenville YMCA
Schenectady County
Glenville YMCA
Ping Pong for PD
Monday 1:30 Friday 10:30 AM
Ping Pong for Parkinson's
Monday 1:30 Friday 10:30 AM
Glenville YMCA
Cost: Free for YMCA members, $5 per session for non-members
Not only is ping pong fun, but it’s also very helpful for those with Parkinson’s. It helps with balance, eye-hand coordination, fine motor control, mental health, strength and more.
Come alone or with a friend, we will take turns playing and watching. No playing experience is necessary; we will learn from each other.
Rock Steady Boxing - Ring of Hope Boxing Club
Schenectady County
Ring of Hope Boxing Club
Boxing for PD
Sunday10:00 AM
Rock Steady Boxing classes - Schenectady.
Sunday’s from 10:00 – 11:30.
Classes are being offered for free (costs are being unwritten by a Ring Of Hope benefactor. Please call or e-mail to schedule an evaluation/orientation.
Phone: 518-347-7184
Email: ringofhope@rsbaffiliate.com
Our website is: http://ringofhope.rsbaffiliate.com/
Ring of Hope Boxing Club, 118 Erie Blvd, Schenectady, NY 12305
What is Parkinson's boxing? https://www.cdparkinsons.org/post/what-is-a-parkinson-s-boxing-class
Ready, Steady, Go
Ulster County
MHA in Ulster
Thursday 2:30 PM
Ready, Steady, Go at MHA in Ulster,
300 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY.
Thursdays 2:30-3:30 PM
Contact is Teresa Joseph, 845-339-9090 x 2206
Peddling for PD - Glensfalls
Warren County
Glens Falls YMCA
Peddling for PD
Tuesday Thursday Saturday 10:30 AM
Pedaling for Parkinson's: Led by an instructor, participants ride on an upright stationary bike for 1 hour (10 minute warm up at 60 RPM, 40 minutes at 80-90 RPM and a 10 minute cooldown.
Glens Falls YMCA, 600 Glen Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801 (518) 793-3878
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.