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Newly Diagnosed?

Give yourself plenty of time to process

No matter at what age you are diagnosed, you will be challenged by the news of a disease that you may not know much about. Whatever the reaction to your diagnosis, you will need to give yourself plenty of time to process the range of emotions you will experience. In the next several months, your goal should be to think through the emotional and physical effects of your diagnosis and to learn all you can about the illness as well as the resources that can help you stay healthy, both mentally and physically.”

Read more at National Parkinson’s Foundation


You may be interested in joining the next PD SELF class – Parkinson’s Self Efficacy Learning forum​.


People experiencing the signs of Parkinson disease should seek the care of a neurologist. Your doctor will recommend an individualized treatment plan. This may include lifestyle changes. All treatments have some side effects. The choice of which side effects can be tolerated depends on the individual.

Albany Medical Center has a Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center and provides the type of care found only at an academic medical center

Read the Davis Phinney Foundation booklet “Every Victory Counts“

Get the “Every Victory Counts” printed book free from the Davis Phinny Foundation you can order it here.

It is possible to live well with Parkinson’s disease and even to improve how you feel. This manual is part of a program designed to help you take an active role in your treatment by:

Increasing your understanding of Parkinson’s and its effects on your body.

Enhancing your ability to manage your Parkinson’s symptoms.

 Maximizing your participation in medical and therapy visits.

 Optimizing your quality of life through a focus on holistic care, which means integrating medication, exercise, diet and emotional health.


Understand that you are not alone. Every year 50,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Although there are many differences – in age, in symptoms, in ethnicity and in attitude – there are many similarities in the experience of being diagnosed and living with this condition. …there is much to be learned from others living with Parkinson’s.

Exercise is an important part of healthy living for everyone. For people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), exercise is more than healthy — it is a vital component to maintaining balance, mobility and activities of daily living. Exercise and physical activity can improve many PD symptoms. These benefits are supported by research.  -

Learn with online resources

These Parkinson’s disease (PD) resources will help you find more information and connect with others living with the condition. Many of these sites will direct you to the latest Parkinson’s disease news and research

Find a supportive local community

Local Support group information.


Where to start?

Good question.  We usually try to communicate a few things when meeting with newly diagnosed folks:


1. People with Parkinson’s have the same life expectancies as people who don’t have PD.  People don’t die from Parkinson’s. We live with it, hopefully well and fully.


2. Everyone’s PD is different.  You will not get every possible symptom. Also, every symptom you might experience has been experienced and dealt with by some others.  There are ways to deal with it.


3. PD is a slowly progressing disease.  You have time to learn, process and make decisions over time.  If you have sudden changes to your health, check with your physician- it’s probably not from Parkinson’s.

We recommend ordering the printed book, Every Victory Counts, from the Davis Phinney Foundation.

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