Tai Chi on-line
National on-line
Tai Chi
online course is gentle and good for developing balance
"I started taking Tai Chi for Arthritis last year and just signed up for the fall/winter session. It is great for balance and
intentionally does not have any of the wonky or sudden moves that I've encountered in traditional Tai Chi. This course is
offered by SUNY Stony Brook and is free and open to anyone. The more the merrier on Zoom! Below is more info from
Stony Book and the link to sign up. They also have other fall prevention courses." - Leah
The workshops are offered 2 days/week for 8 weeks (16 classes).
The schedule and registration links are available on: https://trauma.stonybrookmedicine.edu/falls_programs
Please feel free to share this information with family/friends who may be interested in joining us too. All workshops are held in Eastern Time (NY).
Kristi L. Ladowski, MPH
Injury Prevention & Outreach Coordinator
Stony Brook Trauma Center
Stony Brook University Hospital
Hospital 9N-083 (Office) HSC T18-040 (Mailing)
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8191
Phone (631) 444-8385