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Pedaling For PD - Saratoga YMCA
National on-line
Saratoga YMCA
Pedaling for PD

Pedaling for Parkinson's: Led by an instructor, participants ride on an upright stationary bike for 1 hour (10 minute warm up at 60 RPM, 40 minutes at 80-90 RPM and a 10 minute cooldown.
Saratoga YMCA, 90 West Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 583-962
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $5 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.
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