Neuromotor Wellness - Albany YMCA
National on-line
Albany YMCA
Neuromotor Wellness

Mondays 12:15-1:00
Call for more information: 518-618-3690
Neuromotor Wellness is a research-based exercise program specifically for those with muscular degeneration challenges including but not limited to Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, stroke recovery, and muscle injury.
Care partners are strongly encouraged to attend at no additional cost. Participants must have a waiver and medical clearance.
Classes are FREE for Y members. For non-members, the cost is $10 per class.
Applications available for scholarships to "Membership for all" to become YMCA members, The scholarship gives a percentage discount on membership. The application is available at any branch membership desk.
There are required physician’s forms that need to be filled out prior to starting class.