WPC Virtual: Advancing Science, Care, & Living with Parkinson’s online congress
May 17, 2021
Monday - Friday, May 17 - 21, 2021
The WPC Virtual: Advancing Science, Care, & Living with Parkinson’s online congress will take scientific updates and connectivity to a new level. We are thrilled to announce this first ever virtual Congress from the WPC that will rival the quality and content of what we offer in person. While in-person World Parkinson Congresses will continue to take place every three years, these WPC Virtual Congresses will now take place annually in the years between the live WPCs, meaning that every year, without fail, you can access timely, forward thinking Parkinson's talks that will inspire you and give hope to the millions of people living globally with Parkinson's.
Program dates: Monday - Friday, May 17 - 21, 2021.
Topics presented during this five-day virtual program will include updates on: Basic Science, Clinical Science, Treatment Options, Comprehensive Care, and Living with Parkinson’s. The program will also include two 4-part wellness series as part of the week, looking at PT wellness and Speech/Voice wellness. Talks will be forward thinking and delivered by both well recognized and up and coming leaders in the Parkinson’s space.
Registration is now open!
Recommended for registrants to use Google Chrome for optimal viewing.
Registration to attend the WPC Virtual congress will be USD $25. This will include access to all 20 pre-taped sessions, with three talks in each session, as well as all 20 live Q&A panels and both Wellness talk series on fitness and voice.