Thursday December 10, 2020 Holiday Party ZOOM @7
December 10, 2020
Let’s CELEBRATE the end of 2020 and look forward together to a happy and hopeful new year.
If you have never been to one of our meetings, this would be a good one to start with.
DRESS UP in your best holiday gear! PRIZES for the most festive!
FOOD - Make your favorite holiday appetizer or cookie and sit back with a celebratory cocktail or mocktail!
Ian and Sharon are sharing their snacks.
SHARE YOUR TALENTS – a story, your favorite holiday tradition, a song or a joke.
GAMES - William and Greg are organizing a fun game with great prizes. Ian will test your trivia knowledge again.
PRIZES will be mailed to you after the party.
Please download the Game instructions
and the Trivia answer sheet
And we’ll hear from BRUCE Plotzky again.
So SAVE THE DATE and get ready for an evening of ZOOM fun together!
Make or share some Party recipes